We are closed on Waitangi Day. If you have a dental emergency during this time, please phone 078567462 and listen to the message for advice. You can also find homecare tips here. If you have facial swelling, you should present to A&E. We will open again on Friday 7 February.

Enrol for Free Dental Care (Year 9 to 17 Years Old)

Most dental treatment is provided free under the scheme. For eligibility criteria, please visit the Ministry of Health website. Some treatments require prior approval from the Ministry of Health, and those that are not covered can be paid for privately if necessary.

We will text out an appointment for your child's first check up with us, usually around their birthday.  If the time or day doesn't suit, please call us to change it.

Please note: children up to school year 8 need to see the Community Oral Health Service at school, a Waikids clinic, or mobile unit. Call 0800 TALK TEETH, or visit a clinic (Peachgrove, Fairfield or Frankton) to make an appointment.

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Thank you. Your initial enrolment has been sent to Hillcrest & Tamahere Dental. We'll be in touch.


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